NJ Asset Management
Rule-Based Investing

For more than a decade now, NJ Asset Management has dedicated ourselves to rule-based investment strategies that are perfectly suited to the Indian financial markets. This approach to investing, which is also called “Factor Investing” relies on designing well defined rules for asset allocation as well as stock selection based on financial and market data accumulated over the years.

Unlike conventional investment management, Factor Investing seeks to eliminate human biases and use data science and cutting edge technology to implement rules that are not only economically sound, but have proved their worth over the years.

Our passion for Factor Investing encourages us to do our best from all perspectives. Whether it's the quality of data we use, the technology we deploy or our team of experts in every related subject, our goal is to ensure that we are at the forefront of this exciting investment discipline. Factor Investing is the future of investment management, offering diversification at a level that is not available elsewhere.

For any inquiries or questions, please write us at career@njgroup.in

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