Group Websites
One-Stop Shop for Organic & Natural daily essentials (FMCG)


Our Vision

Our vision is to be a catalyst for the widespread adoption of a natural and organic lifestyle, creating a global impact on health and sustainability.

Our Mission

At Refresh, our mission is to create accessibility to high-quality organic and natural products that inspire individuals and communities to prioritise natural lifestyle, personal wellness, make informed choices, and collectively contribute to a thriving eco-conscious world.

Lifestyle Meets Nature

At Refresh, we believe in the transformative power of living sustainably. We understand the importance of embracing a lifestyle that nourishes your well-being and contributes to the health of our planet. As your trusted one-stop shop, we're delighted to provide a comprehensive range of certified organic and naturally made products designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine - from dawn to dusk.
Dedicated to providing an alternative to conventional, chemical-laden products, Refresh curates a selection of items that have earned the coveted seal of being naturally sourced. Our product range spans across groceries, skincare, wellness, household essentials, and more - all chosen carefully to align with your pursuit of a natural lifestyle.
Refresh provides access to all leading brands on a single platform. All the products available on the platform are certified products by internationally reputed accreditation bodies.